A Word About The Protests

Kap kneelingIt’s amazing the passion some Americans show toward the American flag or the symbols of democracy, but yet are totally indifferent to the plight of those who have been systematically denied the freedoms and privileges that flag represents. When respect for symbols and ideas are more important than respect for people; there needs to be some serious discussions about what life is really about!

I can see the validity of both sides of the issue, concerning respecting the flag and the national anthem. But if those people who are so insistent and passionate that the flag and the anthem be respected were just as insistent and passionate in speaking up for people who are being oppressed and discriminated against, there would not have been any protest in the first place!

It’s like you purposely stepping on somebody’s foot during a moment of silence and then get offended or angry with them because they scream out in pain! Can anybody spell: h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e?

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